Precision manufacturer finds fast growth service aerospace, defense industries

- 300% increase in Sales after becoming certified
- AS9100 Certification Achieved
- Improved culture of quality throughout the organization
- Increase in the number of customers after certification achieved
“We were a new company struggling at the beginning of COVID-19, being able to utilize MTS services was a huge win for us,” Grosz said. “To have support locally meant we didn’t have to fly someone in from a larger city to help for a week at a time. MTS was here every week to meet with members of our team and acted as our guide. It was very beneficial working with them.”
–Nate Grosz, Director of Sales and Business Development

In less than three years, a Sioux Falls manufacturer has grown to work with some of the biggest players in aerospace and defense. From its location in northeast Sioux Falls, Rensberger Technologies focuses on creating the challenging, custom components needed for aerospace and defense equipment, along with medical devices and other custom manufacturing work.
All the work done here is specific to customers’ needs, said Nate Grosz, who has lead the sales and business development efforts since it was founded in early 2020 by local entrepreneur Ron Rensberger. It began when Rensberger bought the building that used to include a previous tool and die manufacturer. “Ron brought on board some of the high-level talent they had as well as high-level talent from other areas of the region and started new from there,” Grosz said. “We created a completely new and different entity that focuses on providing precision manufacturing solutions to complex projects." About 95 percent of the company’s customers are on the coasts or in the south, he estimated. “It’s similar to a puzzle; we produce the challenging pieces that our customers need to complete their design,” said operations manager Jill Koens, who joined the team early this year after a dozen years working for other area manufacturers. “We’re challenged and I like a challenge. It’s a small team that works well together, and we’re very busy right now. We have a lot going through the shop in different areas.”
Working with clients of that nature demands a business such as Rensberger be able to prove it does quality work, which is why it sought AS9100 certification for more than a year. "We had customers waiting for our certification and they couldn’t work with us until we had it,” Grosz said. After a quick search online, the Rensberger Technologies team found out South Dakota Manufacturing & Technology Solutions (MTS), their local MEP center, was able to help with that process. Companies need to prepare applicable documents required by AS9100, based on a detailed study of all activities of the organization. That includes a quality manual, quality procedures, identification of appropriate and defined regulatory requirements, and confirmed compliance with the regulatory requirements, standard operating procedures, and formats to establish the objective evidence of execution and to confirm control over all the activities.
The company worked with South Dakota Manufacturing & Technology Solutions (MTS) as a guide through the complex road to achieving certification. “Rensberger is unique in having precision equipment capable of holding very tight tolerances, in addition to an outstanding quality department,” said Brad Fischer, business advisor at MTS, who worked closely with the company through the certification process. “AS9100 certification is critical when working with aerospace clients but also gives them an advantage with other industries that may have suppliers that are not certified or only certified to ISO 9001.” They also need to train all employees within the organization, conduct internal audits to check readiness for the certification, and conduct management review meetings in the presence of top management to guide the organization for the actual implementation of all the issues related to quality management systems. “We were a new company struggling at the beginning of COVID-19, being able to utilize MTS services was a huge win for us,” Grosz said. “To have support locally meant we didn’t have to fly someone in from a larger city to help for a week at a time. MTS was here every week to meet with myself and other members of our team. It was very beneficial.”
MTS also helped Rensberger with cybersecurity compliance assessment and to develop an SSP -- System Security Plan -- and POAM, or Plans of Action and Milestones. “MTS was like our guide along a long road trip,” Grosz said. “If we got into any issues they would walk us through the steps required to implement the standard into our business. Now, we are putting these policies and procedures to use every day. If we don’t do something right, we use our new Quality Manual as a guide to make sure we don’t make the same mistakes twice.” Rensberger received its AS9100 certification a few months ago, and the business has seen a 300% increase in sales since becoming certified. The certification now allows the company, which has about 15 employees, to compete at the highest level in its industry, Grosz added.
“I think it’s a special place to be,” he said. “We have a lot of skilled talent here, many are some of the best at what they do. Our team’s ability to tackle challenges while remaining efficiency-minded has allowed us to partner on some really cool projects. We’re manufacturing parts that very few places in the country can make, and it’s happening here and South Dakotans are making them.”
- 300% increase in Sales after becoming certified
- AS9100 Certification Achieved
- Improved culture of quality throughout the organization
- Increase in number of customers after certification achieved
- Over $100,000 in cost savings
If you are interested in how MTS can help you across your organization, please contact us today.